I read my friend's status on Facebook, "Happy engineer's Day". So, I guess today is my day. :) I completed with my degree of an Engineer 2 months ago and now I'm the first and the only Engineer girl of my family. (I do pat myself for this).
But anyways, my post is not to boast about myself. It's something I noticed about myself and what being an Engineer taught me apart from that academic knowledge. I found out that the course of engineering was not just of those 4 years, where I was taught to design the things, or calculate the numbers. This journey started a way long back. The day when I was born.
As an engineer mends the damage of a machine, makes a new one, finds different ways to present the things, invents new gadgets, earns money and finds the best solution to some technical problem, similarly my life gave me the training of such things in a special subject- LIFE!
It taught me to make friends, it taught me to make up for your mistakes and apologize. It trained me to get up once again after getting hurt. I taught me that it's okay to get upset or depressed. I am allowed to feel jealous if someone was happy and when I was not. But then it also gave me the lesson that to become a good 'Life Engineer' you need to feel the damage of others and try with the best of your abilities to help them.
I made friends blindly, I trusted easily, I failed, I was scolded too. But this helped me to value the good ones and to pick wisely the next time. In this journey of 21 years of Life Engineering, I grew up as a person and still managed to keep that child and its innocence alive. I'm still making mistakes, like you do in exams and I'm still learning new lessons. But once in a while I still try to bunk the lecture when I'm reluctant to learn something. But I know, someday I have to learn it. I have to go through every page before I pass my exams with flying colors and get the degree of "Best Life Engineer".
So, it doesn't matter if you are not actually dealing with some machines or technology. But you are dealing with a biggest machine of all- Life! And you are dealing with it well. Be proud of yourself and keep doing it. :)
*Happy Engineer's Day*
Share with me what did you learn from your life?? In what lessons did you fail?? If you have some experience to share, write it to me! I'd love to know it. :)
After a long gap, my new post is about one of the most common words of everybody's life - FRIEND. World's best dictionary might have defined this word as:
"friend: a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, ...... "
But have you ever given a thought about the second word in the definition, which is- "person" ? IS everybody's friend actually some "person" in particular? Does one has to be a human being to become somebody's friend? I say NO!
Sometime back I watched a movie, Cast Away where when stuck on an unknown island alone, a man befriends a football. And that football turns out to be its only source which keeps him alive for 7 years and helps him to get back to his family.
So, I ask, is it necessary for a friend to talk back or to give opinion or correct you when you are wrong (as most of us would point out)??? Can't any random thing be your friend?? Irrespective of its being a living or non living??
Wasn't that doll in your childhood your friend whom you gave some name? Didn't you cry when somebody broke her neck?? Isn't that pillow your friend whom you hug and cry when you miss someone in a lonely situation?? Isn't our mobile phone a friend, who helps us to listen songs, play games, talk to your loved ones?? Wasn't your first bike your friend whom you flaunted in front of your girl and the world??? Or your watch for that matter, which reminds you to be on time! Are you spectacles not your buddy who help to let you see the world clearly?? Yes!! They all are. Your tears which makes your heart lighter, your words which are adored and loved by people and of course your heart, which assures you that against all the odds it will keep on beating and keep you alive to let you see the beautiful World!
A friend doesn't have to be talking or speaking to you. Somebody who walks with you through the journey of life, who silently remains with you, accompanies you is also a friend. Look around yourself. There might be numerous unnoticed friends of yours, whom you never considered important, but their absence would surely make a difference... Love those "Friends".. value them!